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“With the evolution of AI, human will also evolve” We will develop the world's first widespread AI robot to advance the world one step further.

We, donuts robotics, are a startup founded by engineers and designers.

Founded in 2014 in a garage in Kitakyushu, Fukuoka.


We have continued development with the theme of "Changing the world by linking hardware and AI". ​

In 2017, our product was adopted for the Haneda Airport Robot Project.


In 2020, the world's first "smart mask" was announced. Featured in the New York Times, etc.


In 2022, "Smart Earphones" were announced at CES (World Consumer Electronics Show) and published in TIME magazine.


Prompted by the evolution of AI in recent years, human is entering the era of higher intelligence.

As a result of highly advanced evolution of AI, human with high spirituality may build a better real world with new values.


donut robotics will promote innovative development with the aim of spreading the world's first AI robots.

​donut robotics CEO /  Taisuke Ono


[ Company Profile ]

Company name: Donut Robotics Co., Ltd.(donut robotics Co.,Ltd.)

Head office location: 1-17-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Toranomon Hills Business Tower 15th floor

Capital: 184,860,119 yen

Business content: Development and sales of robots and AI

Establishment date: January 4, 2016



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